Immediately After the Operation - First Night:
After hair transplantation, we apply a bandage to the donor area. You should also wear a forehead band after the procedure to prevent swelling in the area.
Small crusts and mild redness may occur in the area where we transplanted hair and in the area we chose as the donor. Crusting and redness will disappear within 10-15 days.
It is very normal to feel swelling, itching and mild pain in the area after the procedure. Cold compress applications, softening lotion products and pain relieving medications can be used as recommended by your doctor.
Complications that may occur in the area after the procedure are as follows:
It is normal to experience swelling on the face and around the eyes a few days after the hair transplantation operation. Ice applications will be the best solution until the swelling in these areas decreases. Since swelling complaints go away on their own after 5-7 days, there is no need to use any medication.
A significant portion of patients begin to experience itching complaints 2-3 days after the operation. This complaint is seen as a sign of recovery. You should not scratch the transplanted area. Itching complaints may continue for a few days.
Burning Sensation:
A burning sensation may occur in the donor area 2-4 days after hair transplantation. For the burning sensation in the donor area, you can apply the moisturizing lotion recommended by your doctor 3-4 times a day and wait for absorption.
Day 1 After Hair Transplantation
On the first day after hair transplantation, we perform dressings, PRP or laser treatments in our clinic.
After dressing, the bandage on the donor area needs to be removed.
Day 2 After Hair Transplantation
You should start washing your hair by paying attention to the specified steps with the lotion and post-hair transplant shampoos recommended by your doctor. During this process, hair washing procedures are effective in healing your scalp and eliminating the resulting crusting complaints.
5-7 days after hair transplantation. Day
5-7 days after the procedure, your transplanted hair becomes stronger. Also, your hair will no longer move when you touch it. However, you should not damage the transplanted area and do not perform procedures such as nailing the area. Itching that begins during this period is a sign of recovery and you do not need to intervene.
15-30 days after hair transplantation. Day
After 15-20 days after hair transplantation, your appearance returns to its previous state. In other words, the difference between the hair we transplanted and your hair disappears. Thus, it is not obvious from the outside that you have had a hair transplant.
Between 1-3 Months After Hair Transplantation
You may experience shock shedding during this period. Shock loss is the sudden loss of hair in the transplanted area. After this stage, the growth process of the hair we transplanted can be seen.
Between 4-5 Months After Hair Transplantation
After 4 months after hair transplantation, the growth period accelerates. Your hair will be 50% of your desired result after 5-6 months.
Between 6-12 Months After Hair Transplantation
Your transplanted hair is still growing at full speed. You will also feel that your hair strands are starting to get stronger and thicker.
Between 12-18 Months After Hair Transplantation
You must wait up to 18 months for the final results of hair transplantation procedures.
Remember that you will have dense, thick, strong and long hair after 18 months.